How to Use Vedic Numerology to Find Bhagyank?
In numerology, we have 9 numbers for 9 planets. Every number signifies a particular energy and is connected with a particular planet.
1 is for the sun
2 is for the moon
3 is for Jupiter
4 is for Rahu
5 is for Mercury
6 is for Venus
7 is for Ketu
8 is for Saturn
9 is for Mars
We start counting from the Sun and end with Mars where both are fire energy indicating the importance of fire element in whole life and spiritual awakening. From the sun we get our soul and the cause of birth, the soul’s desires come from the analysis of the sun in every horoscope. Mars indicates the ending of this body in panchamabhutas. In some religions, people burn their bodies after death and in some religions, people bury their bodies but in both cases, the use of the energy of Mars. Mars is agni and also indicates Bhoomi.
Let’s come to the topic. For finding the bhagyank through vedic astrology the method is very simple. You need to find your the navamsha of dispositer of ninth lord. If tge dispositer is siting in the sign of venus the. 6 number is becomes your bhagyank.
This bhagyank has the power to make things in your favour in every step of life. Choose a mobile number, house address, email ID accordingly and you can even use a key chain with the same energy, I promise it will bring luck to you.
Please try this method and give me your valuable feedback 🌼